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Speaking From The Heart | Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 108

Lukas Mohl

Speaking From The Heart | Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 108

Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917145922
Catnr: DMCHR 71459
Release date: 30 May 2025
1 CD
€ 14.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71459
Release date
30 May 2025

About the album

A delicate beginning and a deeply romantic start: Lukas Mohl does not immediately overwhelm us with everything he can do or his ability. Instead, the warm, concentrated sound of the opening captures us and takes us along into a multi-faceted, extraordinary debut album. Its title "Speaking from the Heart" may seem like a nice cliché, but in fact it corresponds exactly to what is more important to the 24-year-old pianist and composer than anything else. "I want to express my feeling directly and realistically," Mohl said. "Romantic, melancholic, aggressive, lyrical, angry, and sometimes cheesy: that's all part of me. And that's okay.”

Making a connection to his inner self as well as finding the courage to be as authentic and genuine as possible is not something that is easy for many people. Lukas Mohl has learned to stand by his feelings and vulnerability. And he has gained an enormous strength from this, which he also knows how to steer in creative ways. This may explain a little bit why the German, who has lived in Arnhem in the Netherlands for about five years, was able to create such an impressive album despite a highly unusual musical background. He modestly emphasizes that this is, please, the joint success of the trio with bassist Jasper Somsen and drummer Min Won. "This has also been influenced by the two. We all have the same share."

Lukas Mohl was born in Ulm in September 2000. He grew up in a small town in that region and went to school in Laupheim, a small town south of Ulm. He sang in a choir and also acted in theater at a young age. There was a lot of music in his home. An instrument – piano lessons? When Lukas was 13, he wanted to learn the piano. "I had a nice, relaxed childhood, I could try a lot of things out, and there was not much pressure." His piano teacher was the jazz, soul and gospel pianist Joe Fessele, through whom Lukas Mohl began to discover the expressive possibilities of jazz. After graduating from high school, he first considered learning a craft. During a short trial period, he realized that he was destined for a different path in life. Between theater and music, he quickly decided in favor of music – and jazz. In the middle of the first pandemic period, he applied to the renowned university in Arnhem and was accepted. "All doors suddenly opened and I knew it was actually possible." Arnhem also broadened his horizon in other respects. Mohl lived for the first time in a larger city, which opened up unimagined possibilities for him. He also met many others at the university who were as passionate about music as he was.

The fact that, unlike almost all jazz pianists—including most of the very big names—he did not undergo basic classical training was a subject that occupied Lukas Mohl for a long time. Today, like so many others, he also plays Bach as a daily exercise. And can calmly state: “I've come to terms with that. And sometimes I think that I might not have decided to become a musician if I had gone through years of classical music training.” What's more, the circumstance has sharpened his consciousness considerably. "I might not be a virtuoso who has this broad base. But what really matters to me is something else. What appeals to me musically is not defined by virtuosity or technique. If something is extremely well done, if it is technically very good, I find it admirable. But I am touched when someone conveys honest emotions. These are often pieces that are not particularly complicated." Brad Mehldau embodies an ideal for him as someone who combines emotional authenticity and technical brilliance. Lukas Mohl: "I know that I can reach and touch people with my means, provided I am honest and authentic." The pianist places a special focus on sound, for example: "Such aspects are important to me; I get into it and then work on it."

Drummer Min Won, who comes from Korea, met him right at the beginning of his studies. He is not only his closest friend, but also "the person with whom I have made the most music so far". Min Won steered him to a seminar with bassist Jasper Somsen, an experience musician in the Dutch jazz scene and also a bandleader. "This album would not exist without him." Somsen specifically inspired Lukas Mohl to compose. He also arranged contacts with a studio, mixer, and record label. And is, according to Mohl, "a reliable anchor for my music." Accordingly, the pianist also creates spaces for his colleagues to develop in the arrangements. It is hard to believe that this is Lukas Mohl's first official studio production, given the musical concept, the maturity of his playing, and the enormous quality.

Lukas Mohl and his convictions fit in with the fact that he speaks openly about his experiences with depression. Music has become an important factor for him in dealing with it. "Of course, that also comes into play. If my emotions become too overpowering, if grief and pain cannot be expressed in words, I can play the piano. It is a healing experience to let this flow out of you, even in compositions. Music has often helped me to avoid constantly having to deal with depression." He had already noticed at an early stage: "When I play my music in which I can play myself, I am happiest."

This emotional sincerity coupled with this degree of reflection is deeply reflected in this album. “Speaking from the Heart”.
Ein zarter Beginn, ein zutiefst romantischer Einstieg … Lukas Mohl überfällt uns nicht mit all jenem, was ihn, was sein Können ausmacht. Stattdessen fängt uns der warme, konzentrierte Sound der Eröffnung ein und nimmt uns mit: hinein in ein facettenreiches, ein außerordentliches Debütalbum. Dessen Titel „Speaking From The Heart“ mag wie ein sympathisches Klischee anmuten – tatsächlich entspricht er genau dem, was dem 24jährigen Pianisten und Komponisten wichtiger ist als alles andere. „Ich möchte direkt und realitätsgetreu ausdrücken, was ich empfinde“, sagt Mohl. „Romantisch, melancholisch, aggressiv, lyrisch, wütend, manchmal kitschig – das ist alles ein Teil von mir. Und das ist okay.“
Eine Verbindung herstellen zum inneren Selbst, den Mut finden, so authentisch und wahrhaftig wie möglich zu sein – das fällt vielen nicht leicht. Lukas Mohl hat gelernt, zu seinen Gefühlen und zu seiner Verletzlichkeit zu stehen. Und daraus eine enorme Stärke gewonnen, die er auch in kreative Bahnen zu lenken versteht. Das erklärt vielleicht ein Stück weit, warum der Deutsche, der seit etwa fünf Jahren im niederländischen Arnhem lebt, trotz eines höchst ungewöhnlichen musikalischen Werdegangs ein derart beeindruckendes Album schaffen konnte. Wobei er bescheiden betont, dass dies, bitteschön, ein gemeinsamer Erfolg des Trios mit Bassist Jasper Somsen und Drummer Min Won ist. „Das ist genauso von den beiden geprägt. Wir haben alle den gleichen Anteil.“
Lukas Mohl wurde im September 2000 in Ulm geboren. Aufgewachsen ist er in einem kleinen Ort dieser Region, zur Schule ging er in Laupheim, einer Kleinstadt südlich von Ulm. In jungen Jahren sang er in einem Chor, außerdem spielte er Theater. Zuhause lief viel Musik. Ein Instrument – Klavierunterricht? Als Lukas 13 war, bekam er Lust, Klavier zu lernen. „Ich hatte eine schöne, entspannte Kindheit, ich konnte viel ausprobieren, es gab nicht viel Druck.“ Sein Klavierlehrer wurde der Jazz-, Soul- und Gospel-Pianist Joe Fessele, über den Lukas Mohl die Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten des Jazz zu entdecken begann. Nach dem Schulabschluss dachte er zunächst daran, einen handwerklichen Beruf zu ergreifen. Im Zuge einer kurzen Probephase wurde ihm klar, dass er für einen anderen Weg gemacht ist. Zwischen Theater und Musik fiel die Entscheidung schnell zugunsten der Musik – und des Jazz. Mitten in der ersten Pandemie-Zeit bewarb er sich für eine Ausbildung an der renommierten Hochschule in Arnhem – und wurde angenommen. „Da öffnete sich plötzlich alle Türen und ich wusste: es ist tatsächlich möglich.“ Arnhem weitete auch in anderer Hinsicht seinen Horizont. Dort lebte Mohl erstmals in einer größeren Stadt, die ihm ungeahnte Möglichkeiten eröffnete. Außerdem traf er an der Uni auf viele andere, die sich ähnlich leidenschaftlich mit Musik auseinandersetzten wie er.
Dass er im Gegensatz zu fast allen Jazzpianisten - einschließlich den meisten der ganz großen – keine klassische Basisausbildung durchlaufen hat, war ein Thema, das Lukas Mohl geraume Zeit begleitete. Heute spielt er – wie so viele andere – als tägliche Übung auch Bach. Und kann gelassen feststellen: „Ich habe mich damit abgefunden. Und denke manchmal, dass ich vielleicht nicht entschieden hätte, Musiker zu werden, wenn ich jahrelang die klassische Schule durchlaufen hätte.“ Mehr noch: der Umstand hat sein Bewußtsein erheblich geschärft. „Ich bin vielleicht kein Virtuose, der diese breite Basis vorweisen kann. Aber wichtig ist mir tatsächlich anderes. Was mich musikalisch anspricht, definiert sich nicht über Virtuosität, über Technik. Wenn etwas extrem gut ausgeführt, wenn es technisch sehr gut ist, finde ich das bewundernswert. Aber mich berührt, wenn jemand ehrliche Emotionen vermittelt. Das sind oft auch Stücke, die nicht sonderlich kompliziert sind.“ Ein Ideal verkörpert für ihn Brad Mehldau, der emotionale Authentizität und technische Brillanz zusammenführt. Lukas Mohl: „Ich weiß, dass ich Menschen mit meinen Mitteln erreichen und berühren kann, sofern ich ehrlich und authentisch bin.“ Einen besonderen Fokus bei der Vermittlung legt der Pianist zum Beispiel auf den Sound: „Solche Aspekte sind mir wichtig, da gehe ich rein, daran arbeite ich.“
Drummer Min Won, der aus Korea stammt, begegnete er gleich zu Beginn des Studiums. Er ist nicht nur sein engster Freund, sondern auch „der Mensch, mit dem ich bisher am meisten Musik zusammen gemacht habe“. Min Won lotste ihn in ein Seminar von Bassist Jasper Somsen, einer gestandenen Kapazität der holländischen Jazzszene und selber Bandleader. „Ohne ihn würde es dieses Album nicht geben.“ Somsen war es, der Lukas Mohl inspirierte, gezielt zu komponieren. Er vermittelte schließlich auch Kontakte zum Studio, zum Mixer, zum Label. Und ist, so Mohl, „musikalisch ein verlässlicher Anker“. Entsprechend schafft der Pianist den Kollegen auch in den Arrangements Räume zur Entfaltung. Dass dies Lukas Mohls erste amtliche Studioproduktion überhaupt ist, mag man angesichts des musikalischen Konzeptes, der Reife seines Spiels, der enormen Qualität kaum glauben.
Zu Lukas Mohl und seinen Überzeugungen passt, dass er offen über seine Erfahrungen mit Depression spricht. Im Umgang damit ist Musik für ihn zu einem wichtigen Faktor geworden. „Natürlich fließt auch das ein. Wenn die Emotionen zu viel werden, wenn Trauer und Schmerz nicht in Worten ausdrückbar sind, kann ich Klavier spielen. Es ist eine heilende Erfahrung, das aus sich rausströmen zu lassen - auch in Kompositionen. Musik hat mir schon oft geholfen, dass ich das nicht mehr mit mir rumtragen muss.“ Schon früh hatte er festgestellt: „Wenn ich meine Musik spiele, in der ich ganz ich selbst ein kann, bin ich am glücklichsten.“
Diese emotionale Aufrichtigkeit, verknüpft mit diesem Maß an Reflektion - das steckt tief in diesem Album. „Speaking From The Heart“.


Lukas Mohl (piano)

Lukas Mohl (2000) is a pianist and composer, active in both Germany and the Netherlands, whose music has been described by friends and listeners as close to the heart and evocative, capturing the essence of genuine emotion and personal expression. Having grown up in a rural village in southern Germany, he has been irrevocably shaped with the qualities of small-town life and a desire to blend the rush and excitement of the city with the laid-back pace of living unique to country life. Leaving to study music in the Netherlands in 2020 has been a musical and cultural explosion, exposing him to countless new influences, experiences, colleagues, and dearly beloved friends. Embracing this opportunity has vastly expanded his horizons, inspiring him to delve...
Lukas Mohl (2000) is a pianist and composer, active in both Germany and the Netherlands, whose music has been described by friends and listeners as close to the heart and evocative, capturing the essence of genuine emotion and personal expression.
Having grown up in a rural village in southern Germany, he has been irrevocably shaped with the qualities of small-town life and a desire to blend the rush and excitement of the city with the laid-back pace of living unique to country life.
Leaving to study music in the Netherlands in 2020 has been a musical and cultural explosion, exposing him to countless new influences, experiences, colleagues, and dearly beloved friends.
Embracing this opportunity has vastly expanded his horizons, inspiring him to delve into composition as a means of articulating his emotions and outlook on the world through artistic expression.
Lukas’ desire is not only to create, but also to share his musical endeavors with others.


Jasper Somsen (double bass)

Dutch double bassist, composer and producer Jasper Somsen (1973) graduated in both Jazz and Classical double bass. He is an open minded versatile musician. Best known as a Jazz musician his field of interest and expertise also includes cross overs to classical, pop, world and film music and theater productions. Jasper has collaborated with some of the very best musicians on the international jazz scene including Peter Erskine, Enrico Pieranunzi, Joey Calderazzo, Jeff Ballard, John Beasley, Jean-Michel Pilc, Eric Marienthal, Bob Sheppard, Seamus Blake, Jorge Rossy, Kendrick Scott, Justin Faulkner, André Ceccarelli, Gary Husband, Gabriele Mirabassi and Paolo Fresu. Besides a performer and composer, Jasper Somsen is a Challenge Records artist and a renowned studio producer. Jasper performs world wide and can be...

Dutch double bassist, composer and producer Jasper Somsen (1973) graduated in both Jazz and Classical double bass. He is an open minded versatile musician. Best known as a Jazz musician his field of interest and expertise also includes cross overs to classical, pop, world and film music and theater productions.

Jasper has collaborated with some of the very best musicians on the international jazz scene including Peter Erskine, Enrico Pieranunzi, Joey Calderazzo, Jeff Ballard, John Beasley, Jean-Michel Pilc, Eric Marienthal, Bob Sheppard, Seamus Blake, Jorge Rossy, Kendrick Scott, Justin Faulkner, André Ceccarelli, Gary Husband, Gabriele Mirabassi and Paolo Fresu.

Besides a performer and composer, Jasper Somsen is a Challenge Records artist and a renowned studio producer. Jasper performs world wide and can be heard on more than 45 albums, video and film music scores. Outside a busy playing and studio producing schedule he is an educator at the ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem (NL) and the general director of the foundation Cultural City of Wageningen, in his hometown.


Min Won (drums)


Lukas Mohl (piano)

Lukas Mohl (2000) is a pianist and composer, active in both Germany and the Netherlands, whose music has been described by friends and listeners as close to the heart and evocative, capturing the essence of genuine emotion and personal expression. Having grown up in a rural village in southern Germany, he has been irrevocably shaped with the qualities of small-town life and a desire to blend the rush and excitement of the city with the laid-back pace of living unique to country life. Leaving to study music in the Netherlands in 2020 has been a musical and cultural explosion, exposing him to countless new influences, experiences, colleagues, and dearly beloved friends. Embracing this opportunity has vastly expanded his horizons, inspiring him to delve...
Lukas Mohl (2000) is a pianist and composer, active in both Germany and the Netherlands, whose music has been described by friends and listeners as close to the heart and evocative, capturing the essence of genuine emotion and personal expression.
Having grown up in a rural village in southern Germany, he has been irrevocably shaped with the qualities of small-town life and a desire to blend the rush and excitement of the city with the laid-back pace of living unique to country life.
Leaving to study music in the Netherlands in 2020 has been a musical and cultural explosion, exposing him to countless new influences, experiences, colleagues, and dearly beloved friends.
Embracing this opportunity has vastly expanded his horizons, inspiring him to delve into composition as a means of articulating his emotions and outlook on the world through artistic expression.
Lukas’ desire is not only to create, but also to share his musical endeavors with others.



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